Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 Highlights

I was halfway through my list of New Years resolutions when I realized, 'Who the heck was I kidding?'. Chloie and resolutions don't go very well together. My success rate in keeping them is abolutely low . Zero success, as a matter of fact. I'd start full of enthusiasms, and then, a couple of months later wonder where the enthusiasms went. Sure, I can promise to be the best wife ever, be happy all the time and never nag, but... come on, is there a wife who doesn't? Especially one who's a slave to her emotions? And I can promise to exercise more, but we all know I can find excuses after excuses not to get off my lazy butt. But on my defense, I do latin and belly dances from time to time.

And so this year, I decided to make no resolutions.

Instead, I'll give you the highlights of my previous year.

- Got married. And on days when I'm very happy... smiled endlessly and considered myself very fortunate to have found 'The One'. But on days when Hubs was being a smart ass and won't accept that yourstruly is always right... wondered why I got hitched. Fortunately, those days are few and far between.

- Had an unofficial mini-honeymoon in Chicago. I wish I could say that we never left our room that weekend and had a marathon work-out like normal honeymooners (or at least in movies), unfortunately, I can't. For reason that is... well... not within my control. (I blame Mother Nature for having a poor sense of timing). Poor hubby! But I swear, I did more than make up for his disappointment a week after. ;-) And we still had a great time in that lovely city.

- Built a new house. On days when all bills are paid, and friends ooh-ed and aah-ed at what a nice house it is, smiled proudly, and was grateful to be a homeowner. But on days when bills start to pile up, wondered what the heck were we thinking buying a house this year.

- Went hiking and ziplining at Hocking Hills with friends. Great time! Enough said.

- Went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on a one-week vacation with the husband's family. Nice beach and wondeful time. Long drive, though. And a week life with too many people under one roof was a little bit too long for a part time-social person and part time- loner like me.

- Hosted Thanksgiving/ Housewarming party. Had loads of fun, but vowed that the next parties I'll host would be potluck ones.

- Welcomed the big 30 with a smile in my face. With age, comes more wisdom and maturity. So... hello, wisdom and maturity!

- Presented a talk at a conference in San Jose, California and pretended that I've joined the ranks of important people. Also met up with my childhood bestfriend there. For the first time after 18 years!

- Successfully completed two big projects at work. Woot woot! Now, I'm ready for my promotion.

Happy New Year, everyone!!!


Jenn said...

Sounds like you had an amazing year!
Here's hoping you have an awesome 2010!

Liv Bambola said...

What a truly fantastic year for you! You have crammed SOO much into 2009 :)

I hope 2010 is all you could ever dream of, and more. xxx