I had four hours of sleep last night.
I wish I could say that it's all due to some wild, crazy nocturnal extracurricular activities, but unfortunately, it's not. My body just simply refused to relax and get that much needed beauty rest.
At 11pm, I was ready. I turned off the lights after watching some television junk that's proven to acceralate the death of my already aging brain cells, and closed my eyes. Thirty minutes passed. My eyes were still closed, but my mind was off wondering... am I really ready to get a puppy... how am I gonna train him... this is exciting, but it's also frightening... blah, blah, blah. Another 30 minutes passed. Now, my mind had gone off wondering what's the big deal about the Sara Palin's or Paris Hilton's of this world... is there really heaven... why does it snow so much in Cleveland.
I realized I was thinking too much, so I tried to relax. I did the tried and tested counting sheep method, but I have counted hundreds of sheeps, and sleep still eluded me. I read a science paper that was guaranteed to make me fall asleep back in my college years, but still to no avail. I got up and drank milk like my mother used to tell me, and still no luck. I was so tempted to wake The Hubby up for a quick work-out that has, in the past had me sleeping like a baby right after (especially when it's out-of-this-world good) , but I know better than to wake an exhausted man up at 1 o'clock in the morning. Even with the promise of sex.
So in the end, I resorted to the one thing I always had an aversion to. Sleeping pill.
Unfortunately for my co-workers, I got up as the crankiest woman on planet Earth.
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"What is drama but life with dull bits cut out." ~Alfred Hitchcock
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Behind the Curtain
- Claudine
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I'm usually still awake at 1am, but if The Wife got out of bed and told me it was time, I don't care how tired I am, it's go for launch.
I have those sleepless nights and I hate it.... It happens when I have so many things on my mind - it's so annoying..
Hope you get a good night sleep:)
I can't think of anytime I've EVER been angered with a woman for waking me up for sex... :oD
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