Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Answered Prayer

God does answer some prayers.

For the past six months, I've been hoping and praying that I would one day get out of my boss' line of sight and be set free. Come on, don't you think it's plain cruelty to set an employee's cubicle right next to her boss'? Whether you wanna believe it or not, everybody has a love/hate relationship with their bosses. I'm no different. My boss is what I'd call, a strange fellow and a total geek. I mean, who uses the words 'my neurons are firing' when explaining that 'he's thinking'? Either he wants to impress people with his science vocabulary (sure, he has a PhD in Chemistry, but still...) or he's just plain nerdy (Says the woman who name her cat Atom ;-)). After a while, I did get used to him being that way, unfortunately, I couldn't get used to the fact that he likes to micromanage people. Including me! As some of you may have already guessed, I'm a bit of a control-freak, so Chloie and any bosses, naturally, don't go very well together.

So imagine my utter happiness when the plant manager announced that they're building my boss an office! You know... that enclosed space with a wooden door that will completely isolate him and block me from his prying eyes? Yes, that's the one!

Now, I can do my work better.

And finally get the chance to blog from time to time.

Happiness. Sheer happiness.


Americanising Desi said...

oohhh yayyy :D
darn i can imagine this and guess what i m hatin my boss right now for giving me all the trouble and not even granting me a raise!

Jenn said...

YaY! Congratulations on the ability to be a better slacker ;-)


floreta said...

lol yup. good times to be a slacker now!

Barry said...

I’ve decided today to visit a few people I’ve never met before. Just stopping by to say Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

ya. good. "Happy New Year"