Friday, January 22, 2010

I am a Woman, Hear Me Roar

You just gotta love these bumper stickers!!!

Well-behaved women rarely make history.

How can I miss you if you won't go away?

Princess, having sufficient time with prince, seeks frog.

Coffee, chocolate, men. Some things are better rich.

If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.

Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off.

Next mood swings: 6 minutes.

Warning: I have an ATTITUDE and I know how to use it.

Of course, I don't look busy. I did it right the first time!

You have the right to remain silent, so please shut up.

Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't drive a fast car, be a good boss or smoke a cigar. Being strong doesn't mean I'm not feminine and it certainly doesn't make me a bitch.



C said...

lmao! these are just too funny.

hey if been on vacation, someplace lovely, hows about some pics?

also i used to have a friend who is filipino and she made THE BEST lumpia rolls ever! i still have her recipe and still make them.
i'll make about 200 at a time and freeze them.

theres hamburger, potatoes, carrots, green beans, onions, bamboo sprouts, garlic, and a few spices... and use the sprin wrappers.. is this how you make yours? i bet you are a cookin fool in the kitchen.... chloie...

now i'm hungry for lumpia but will settle for spaghetti.

take care hon.


Caro said...

These are hilarious! :)

Honey Bee said...

I love these!
I hate it when people stereotype women.

Americanising Desi said...

some of my faves are:

- So many men, so few who can afford me.

- Behind every successful woman is herself.

- If they dont have chocolate in Heaven, I aint going :@

- Dont upset me. i am running out of places to hide bodies :P