Friday, May 22, 2009

A Good Year

This year, 2009, is a milestone year for me. My life has changed- and continuously changes- in so many amazing ways, I could almost believe I'm dreaming. There are times when I just wanna sit and wonder how I got to be so fortunate and so blessed.

This year, I married the love of my life. After a year and a half of being together, we tied the knot and had never felt happier. Although we're still going through an adjustment period, we're blissful and so in love, the transition feels effortless.

This year, two of my papers from graduate school got published in scientific journals. Although I'm not looking for a new job right now, they would look really good in my resume - if or when I decide to do so. My family and my husband are so proud, I feel that my hardwork and efforts in graduate school paid off.

This year, we signed up with Ryan Homes to build a new house. Yes, we're gonna have a brand new house!!! It will be done at the end of September and I definitely can't wait! Hubs and I are so excited about it, we're already talking of furnitures and how we're gonna paint and decorate it.

This year, I'm turning thirty. I know I'm getting older and all, but I choose to see this as a blessing. With age, comes maturity and wisdom. It's a new decade of my life and a beginning of a new chapter. I've accepted the fact that my youth is over, and is more than ready to embrace the life ahead of me.

This year, I will get to see my family. We were supposed to go to my country for our big wedding, but after purchasing our new house, Hubs and I decided to move our wedding a few more months so we'll have more money to pretty up our home. I didn't want my parents to be too disappointed so I decided to just fly them here for the Christmas season.

This year, is definitely a good year.

Sidenote, on an entirely different topic (I just have to write this): I'm not a big sports fan but I love Cavaliers, and of course... Lebron James. He's just so amazing! And tonight, he just showed how amazing he can be! Go Cavs!

I know I haven't blog in a while, but I've been so busy with work and with our upcoming house I couldn't find a lot of time to sit down and write. But I do read all your wonderful blogs, even though I couldn't comment that often. I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend!!!