Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm Getting Old

It's official. I'm getting old.

Either my brain had became fully saturated with chemistry information that it's starting to have a hard time keeping old info and absorbing new ideas, or my brain cells are slowly dying of old age (I prefer the first explanation, but my husband teases me it's the latter), because I'm becoming so forgetful. Really forgetful. I've lost 20 dollars last week, it took me forever to find my car keys this morning, and I've set off our home security alarm three times in two months, because... well... I forgot to turn it off before I opened the door!

And, it's usually a woman's thing to remember details of her dates, but I swear my husband remembers more than I do. For new years eve celebration, I told him, "Honey, we should go to Bonefish Grill for dinner. They have really good food! You should try it. " To which he replied, "Babe, I know. I was there with you before, remember?"

I'm starting to be convinced that my Mother's right. If my body's detachable, I'd probably lose it too.

Wait, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, memory loss. I better start taking some Ginkgo.


Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

I always tease my husband that he never remembers anything I say and lately it's been reverse...I forget everything he tells me! It's awful! I usually just try to convince him he never told me in the first place.

Jenn said...

HaHa! Love this!
So nice to not be alone!
Welcome to what I call... 'The Geriatric Party'!

Americanising Desi said...

hey old is gold. u r just turnin more precious :)