Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gift Cards

Hubs and I used all the gift cards we received for christmas and went on some serious shopping spree last weekend.

Let me just say, whoever came up with the idea of giftcards is the smartest man/woman who ever existed. I swear, its pure brilliance! I don't have to move my lips in something that resembles a smile anymore, just to show how grateful I am for a purplish floral wallet, or for a yellow sundress I wouldn't be caught dead wearing. With a giftcard, I can actually give a genuine, happy smile in anticipation of the lovely things I would buy with it.

Don't get me wrong. I know it's the thought that counts, and I'm grateful for the thought. Really. Honestly. But I still think it's a waste of money to buy a gift for someone that he/she won't even use. I believe that you should only buy gifts for people that fall under these three categories: people you know so well you can finish their sentences, people who belong to your own generation (and only if they also fall under the first category), and people who gave you their wish lists. If they don't, then give the loving gift of a giftcard. If you feel it's not personal enough, then seal it with a kiss. Trust me, it's a win-win situation. Less work for you, more happiness for them.

As I was saying, Hubs and I went to the mall and used our giftcards. After which, I called my mother-in-law and my aunts, and genuinely thank them for the pair of boots, two coats, a pretty blouse and a pair of jeans they 'bought' for me.


floreta said...

i prefer gift cards too.

happy new year :)