A wonderful friend of mine had been with her boyfriend for almost eight years... three of which were spent living together. Like any normal woman who's in love and is dreaming of having a fairy tale family (and also with a biological clock that's ticking), she's dying to have a ring on her finger.
The guy, however, has a different idea. He keeps coming up with excuses.
I'm not ready yet.
I'm not sure if I wanna have kids.
I don't think I have enough money to support a family.
My friend, the ever-patient saint, finally got fed up one day, and told him that if the relationship doesn't move forward in the next few months, she's hauling her tush out of the apartment.
A couple of weeks later, she came home to the sight of her boyfriend playing videogame in the living room. The guy looked up, acknowledged her presence and said...
"Hey babe, your ring is on the table. You said you wanted to get married."
And then went back to playing his stupid videogame.
I'm giving the guy an award. WORST PROPOSAL EVER.
My dear friends, what would you do if a guy proposed to you that way? Would you accept it? Have you ever heard of some horrible proposal stories? Do share.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
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that is the worst thing i have heard. i started reading this and thought that it was going to be this great story...that was horrible. what did she say to that? did she go and put the ring on? my heart just feels horribly for your friend. you couldn't pay me enough to take that ring.
I'm very happy to say she didn't. Unfortunately, she's still with the guy. Don't ask me why. Love is just really blind.
Long time reader, first time commenter.
All I can say is wow.
If I were to stay I would have handed the ring back and said, "Okay, once again with more oomph!"
The least he could have one was bake a cake with "Will you marry me?" scrawled on with fancy icing with the ring on top or something. Really.
On the other hand, they've been together 8 years, it's not that he's afraid of commitment, it's more or less, "what is marriage now but a ring and a big party with lots of house hold items as gifts?" He's probably thinking "Do we need another blender?"
I dunno...
Bad proposal anyway. Makes you wonder if he'll wear jeans to the ceremony.
That's horrible! I wouldn't accept such proposal...
Unfortunately I don't have any similar stories to share. But your friend should just up and leave!
I'd be kickin' his hind out the door!
That breaks my heart.
That guy did a great job!! Marriage isn't something that should be taken lightly, and having a girlfriend constantly trying to talk you into getting married is NOT the way I want to make my decision to marry.
I was in that guy's shoes once, and I'm glad I stood up for myself and made the call.
If the woman gets to "dictate" when its time to get married, then I propose a man can propose with as much enthusiasm & reluctance as he chooses. After all, its merely a reflection of how he truly feels about being forced into marriage.
I would of thrown it at him...this makes me so angry.
That is awfulllllll. No way, if he cant put the effort into a proposal how is he going to put effort into a marriage?
I don't really understand what does living together without marriage and living together with marriage means, but may be that's not the issue here. When something looks pointless esp. to a guy, you cannot help it. All he did was, okay you wanted this, have it! May be he could have put some effort to make it sound better but he didn't need to.
Yeah, I feel horrible for your friend. I wish her good luck that she understand this guy better.
That wasn't a proposal. That was a "here, now get off my back."
All signs point to Doesn't Actually Want You As His Wife.
I feel for your friend, and for you who has to watch her stay with him!
i dont know what ur friend is doin with a guy like that.
is it worth it at all?
she has got to walk out!
enough is enough really!
Lol I feel sorry for your friend.That is indeed horrendous!
If he hasn't made his mind up about getting married yet then why can't he just be honest about his feelings?
Doing things half-heartedly..especially something as significant as proposing marriage to your girlfriend of 8 years is disastrous.
I hope they get their happy ending soon enough though!
I feel sorry for your friend.
She seems so nice.
And to get a proposal like that!?
That's just plain stupid for the guy.
i'm going to be of unpopular female opinion and go with omegaradium on this :P
this reminds me of an article i read once where women basically give ultimatums in their relationships bcos the guys wouldn't marry them.. and they ended up leaving because of it. as with anything, both people have to be on the SAME page for a relationship to work. these types of stories definitely show people who aren't on the same page. yet, if the girls would just chill and realize each moment w/ their partner should be cherished and jewelry shouldn't decide a relationships worth, maybe they'd still be together.
at the same time, i can see where a marriage IS important because it's the next step and if someone isn't ready/willing to marry you, are you even w/ the right guy, etc? I guess i can see both sides to it.. still haven't figured it out.
Well, that was pretty terrible! My EX-boyfriend proposed to me by taking the ring out of a WAL-MART bag. A WAL-MART bag!
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