I told The Hubby last night that I wanna be a Product Manager or Techology Director in the future. My number of years pretending to listen to my boss (or any boss for that matter), and imagining giving him the finger when he's being a jerk, is almost close to its limit. I'm contemplating on pursuing an MBA to help me in my quest, or maybe applying for a Lab Manager position as my next step. I'm pretty much tired of being micromanaged most of the time.
My sweet, ever-supportive husband decided to encourage me.
"Sure Honey, I think you should go for it. If you need recommendation, I'll even give you one. I, for one, can definitely vouch that you're good at bossing people around!"
Sounds like something my husband would say! I agree, being micro-managed is hard. However, it is even harder being in a position of management and working with idiots below you that make your job that much harder.
Cool husband.
He got a sense of humor. You can't fault him for that! :)
I figured out the best position to be is number #2 the boss gets stuck with to much crap and is isolated from the employees.
The #2 person gets to float in between both world. Of course now I try to be the invisible ghost of the office. That works fine for me too.
That was definitely some encouragement! XD
I bet he was just being lil sly :)
Hahahahahah this is soo cute!
HaHaHaHa - that's hilarious. Gotta love him, right?
*Pictures future husband (one day) saying the exact same thing to me*
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