Friday, February 5, 2010

Love is a Grave Mental Disease

"Love is a grave mental disease." ~ Plato
So last night, one of my best friends called me up and tearfully asked me what should she do with a piece of garbage...okay, okay... a man, she was madly in love with.

I gave her the most brilliant suggestion I could come up with: knock on his door, kick him repeatedly with her 3-inch high-heeled shoe where it hurts the most, and show him that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

This pathetic excuse of a man calls her up, have sex with her, disappear for days, calls her up, have sex with her, disappear again, calls her up... get the drift?

Now you're probably wondering, why does she put up with it? Beats me! Although... she said she's in love with him, or something to that effect. Which is even more of a mystery to me. Granted, he does have a nice body, but... I just don't see the attraction in other departments!

Okay, I'd probably understand if she's a plump version of Cruella de Vil that the only guys she can attract are losers and a-holes, but... she's a beautiful woman! One of the prettiest women I've met, in fact. Good guys are lining up to worship the ground she walks on. But just like the rest of the love-crazed female population, she gravitates towards the I-drink-like-there's-no-tomorrow, party-like-crazy, have-an-ego-the-size-of-a-pregnant-blue-whale, come-chase-after-me type of guys. And to think she's got a Masters degree in Chemistry! You'd think she's smart, right? And she is... just not in the love department. Apparently.

But who am I to talk? Really! I was the woman who went gaga over a guy, and for almost a year of my young life, stood by him through his black-to-yellow-to-blue-to-blonde-to-black-again hair color changes (talk about confusion!), hoping at some point he'd get struck by a meteor or cupid's arrow or whatever, and realize that I was the the woman of his dreams! Turned out years later, he wasn't looking for a woman, but the man of his dreams. What the hell was I thinking? I mean, how the heck did I miss the signs? It was so blatantly clear when he enthusiastically agreed that Mark Wahlberg was freaking hot! Was love really that blind?

But... it has been ten years since, and it's all water under the bridge now. Sure, I still cringe in embarrasment when I think about it, but I more than made up for it when I married an amazing, no-question-about-it, totally straight man.

Anyhoo, years later, after I found out the shocking truth, I immediately took out my Mr. Right Requirements list and crossed out an item.

#8. Wants the same thing in life as I do.

I definitely didn't want a man who also wanted a man!


Caro said...

I wish I had a friend like that could just shake me up when I don't realize stuff.

Leona said...

Haha :))

I definitely wouldn't want a man who wanted a man, too. XP

You're a good friend. She needs to wake up and realize his intentions.

~~Mel~~ said...

It's amazing how such smart and beautiful women only attract jerks...or are only attracted to jerks! I work as an assistant to 4 lawyers and one of them is drop dead gorgeous yet she has deemed herself perpetually single because of all the jerks she's dated...It makes me shake my head and wonder what the heck she's doing wrong...

Leona said...
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Red Shoes said...

Yeah... I agree with Caro... we all need someone to come along, slap us, and ask us just what the fuck it is we think we are doing...


Liv Bambola said...

LOVE the close on this post!!! You seem to be having a grand old time miss! :)
I hope your friend realises how amazing she is and learns to date accordingly. You might need to kick her ass a little longer, but someone's gotta do it.

<3 Bambola xxx

Americanising Desi said...

oh how i miss a real friend like u in my life!!
