I turned on the television to watch the Olympic Games the other day, and was greeted by the sight of two men - who I thought were part of the cleaning crew- sweeping the surface of an iced court. (Talk about clueless!). Okay, it was breaktime... or so I thought, until the crowd started cheering loudly. I focused my attention on the screen and paused...wait a minute... am I actually watching a game?!! Could it really be... that I'm watching an olympic sports?
Turned out, I really was. It's called curling!
I couldn't understand how it could be an event, but whatever, I decided to watch it long enough to get the hang of it. And soon enough, I did understand the basics... one guy has to slide a stone down the ice, towards the center of goal, while his two teammates help guide the stone using a broom or a brush or whatever its called.
Turned out, I really was. It's called curling!
I couldn't understand how it could be an event, but whatever, I decided to watch it long enough to get the hang of it. And soon enough, I did understand the basics... one guy has to slide a stone down the ice, towards the center of goal, while his two teammates help guide the stone using a broom or a brush or whatever its called.
To be honest with you, I spent the first 24 years of my life not caring a hoot about the Olympics. Or any sports for that matter. I grew up as a bookworm who was always buried in books and involved in academic competitions (I sound so boring as a kid, don't I?). But one fateful day, six years ago, I turned on the television and saw Michael Phelps's hot bod, swimming gracefully and oh-so-fast in the water, it was almost unbelievable! Soon enough, I found myself watching each and every one of his events. And then some. And before I knew it, I was hooked. On Michael Phelps and the Summer Olympics.
So now, here I am, venturing into the Winter Olympic World as well. Although definitely not with the same passionate enthusiasm! I do love figure skating, speed skating and snowboarding, but curling? Not a big fan. Oh well... maybe I should just really open my mind, and accept the fact that Olympics doesn't just revolve around half-naked and very hot men in swim trunks hurrying to get to the finish line, or gorgeous guys in shorts kicking the ball to score a goal!
Anyway, what's your favorite summer or winter olympic event? Anybody who's a big fan of curling? Maybe you can enlighten me more about the game.
Good morning, Chloe... for some reason, I really like the curling events... theres something insane about what they do... and how they try to knock the other team's stone out of the scoring circles... I'm afraid curling is my favorite...
I don't watch sports or participate in any. The only event I can sit down and watch for the Olympics are gymnastics and ice skating... :)
Hahaha! I loved your introduction into the Olympic world. I am not as big into winter as I am summer (although I thoroughly enjoy skiing). Gymnastics and Track are my favorites, considering the time of my life I have devoted to those two sports.
I'm much more a summer olympics watcher, but I'm sucker for the figure skating, I must admit! Last night we watched the women's downhill skiing and saw about SIX of them FACE PLANT into the snow on the way down that hill....OUCH!! It was too hard to watch!
I remember the first time I saw curling, I thought it was so weird! What a funny sport!
Hi Chloe- Just started following so I'm catching up, but this is my first year really watching the Winter Olympics too! I'm a BIG fan of the speed skating with Apollo and JR- literally I've been on the edge of my seat watching that stuff... I highly recommend it.
The hot bods on the guys with the broom will keep you coming back to the curling too I bet. ;)
i love your new blog look! i enjoyed the curling too. cant figure it out how it works but i like it. it seems like such a peaceful sport, relaxing and slow-paced. we are glued to the TV watching all the events.
ha. i didn't even realize it was the olympics this year nor do i care really..
but you're so cute how you describe this 'new' sport!
haha it's funny you were talking about curling, cuz my bf was watching an episode of the Simpsons where the characters were doing it to win an Olympic medal or something, and I thought it was a sport they made up for the show (it seemed like a bizarre sport to be real). then i try to watch the Olympics for real and whoa, curling is real? lol
i actually like figure skating, because it does take skill and i like watching partners coordinate and dance together on ice.
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