Wednesday, February 24, 2010

If You're a Mistress of a Man You Knew Is Married, Do You Deserve an Apology?

I've had enough of this Tiger Woods drama, as I'm sure you are too. I wasn't actually planning on writing anything about the whole saga, because frankly, I think his personal life is supposed to be that... personal and private. I think we should just care about what he does in the golf course and nothing else. But the latest development had me boiling to the core that I just felt a  terrible need to talk about it. (This would be my first and last post about this, I promise!)

The thing is, his alleged mistress is demanding a public apology from him. When I heard this, my intial reaction was... What? Say that again? She wants an apology, like she deserves one? Her Hollywood lawyer (Gloria Allred) explained that he should, because he pursued her, lied to her, told her she's the only one, blah, blah, blah.

Now, wait a minute, you sad, pathetic woman! Don't tell me she doesn't know that Tiger Woods have a wife and children! It's only all over the news since they got married! Unless she's making porn movies cooped up in a shack in Timbuktu, there's no way in hell she doesn't know he's married. Why don't the two of you just  tell us honestly what you really hope to gain by doing this?

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not on Tiger Woods' side either. Frankly, I think he's a douchebag for cheating on his wife. I've been cheated on before and the experience left me with such a bitter taste, that my resulting hatred for cheaters continue to run through my veins. The pain of heartache coupled with the pain of betrayal was too much to handle that I almost had a breakdown. I had moved on since then, but I can't say, even after four long years, that I have completely forgiven the guy.

However, I also think that if you knowingly enter an affair with a married man/woman (or someone in a relationship), you're as guilty as the cheater. You're officially a homewrecker! I know sometimes it's hard to choose who to fall in love with, but you don't have to let your heart (or crotch) rule over your head. Your brain is on top of your body for that reason! If you do, then don't expect any sympathy. Especially if you're a woman like her who's probably not even in love with Tiger Woods, but only after his money and fame. Show some dignity, woman!

My dear friends, what's your take on this? Discuss.


Jenn said...

I agree.

You play with fire, you're going to get burned.

JennyMac said...

LOVE this post and am so glad to read it today. I heard three of them on the radio...and the only thing that could have made me think they were less intelligent is listening to them discuss their need for apology..and I am not condoning Tigers behavior at all either.

Only bc you said dbag on your blog will I write what I thought the apology should be: Sorry you are a wh*re.

justme said...

that is INSANE. what a joke and a ridiculous ploy for more unnecessary media attention...just to show how dumb she is. she knew what she was doing...

Americanising Desi said...

your point of view is my point of view and i did almost commit that level of sin, i thank Almighty I was saved!

I really feel guilty a lot of times.
Evil in Evil!
No matter what!

Caro said...

I completly agree with you.

salwa said...

Yup. I agree. In fact I even wrote about it (the concept of cheating) myself!

Mrs. Dawkter said...

Hi, just found your blog! I want to know WHAT she wants an apology FOR? I think someone is trying to get an extra 5 cents of "fame."

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

I actually think that he does owe her an apology (although a private one) but that she owes him one too, and just as much. Even though they were complicit in the wrongs they committed, it doesn't mean that both are off the hook, you know? I feel like their guilt is doubled because there's two of them, not canceled out. And I think they should both step up and take responsibility and admit that they did something really wrong, to one another and especially to his family.

of course, who they REALLY need to forever apologize to is his wife and kids and all the other people who got hurt.

So sad, all around.

C said...

i agree with you totally. he's a cheatin, liein bastard.... and she's a hoe! his apology was bullshit and her demand for one is crap too. people like him with money feel entitled to whatever they want. i wouldnt take him back either cuz he will do it again.

he's an asshole.

and she's [they all are] a whore...



ChinkyGirLMeL said...

What?! That is absurd. I'm sure she knew what she was getting herself into. tsk tsk

Laura said...

I agree with you :) Well said.

SE x

CStans said...

Basically, I was in the process of writing the exact same post, but you said what needed to be said. These women are pathetic.

- kimmy - said...

i definitely agree. plain fame-greedy. it's not like she has nothing to apologize for as well. she is just as much in the wrong.

Haley Dawn said...

I can't agree more! They all just want their 15 seconds of fame

ashley cole said...

OH my my. I agree 100%. i can't even handle those women anymore. thank you for posting this!

[Rhiannon][Wretchdz] said...

The media has destroyed his personal life and I am glad it has BUT I can't help but feel sick to the stomach with worry as to what it has done to his wife and children. It must be traumatising.