...your guy would endure watching Bride Wars with you with the littlest complaints!
Since it was snowing pretty bad yesterday, there was really nothing much to do except go to the movie theater. We've seen most of the good movies already (Valkyrie - watch it, tragic ending but really good! Marley and Me - funny and so heartwarming!) and I was kinda curious about Bride Wars (it looked funny and is in time with my wedding planning), so I asked Fiance to watch it with me. The movie however, completely sucked (for lack of a better word) that I felt bad dragging him to it! The funny parts were already in the previews, and truthfully, I was appalled by how the women were portrayed in the movie! I know I should have expected it even before I came in (it was in the trailer), and it's a movie (so of course, it's exaggerated)... but still! Do women really act that way about weddings? Do their whole lives revolve around getting engaged and when they do, about the whole wedding planning? Would they ditch long time friends just because of bridal rivalry?
I've been engaged for 3 months now (read it here), but if you noticed, I've only mentioned my wedding plans once. Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY excited to get married, but I'm not much into elaborate wedding plannings and I really just wanted a small and intimate wedding with only the people closest to me as witnesses . I feel it's more romantic to say your vows that way! I also honestly don't care if my table linens don't match every single decoration or if the arrangement of my bouquet is not perfect (maybe, I'm not a normal woman?). All I really wanna make sure is that I have a wedding venue and a reception area, I look pretty in my dress, my groom didn't ran away and the people I love are there to celebrate with us. I'll still have most of the traditional wedding things (I'll give you an update on one of my succeeding posts)- a white dress, a cake, a maid of honor, wedding songs and floral arrangements, but I won't have a big entourage and hundreds of guests. I told Fiance this the day we got engaged, and the guy was only too happy to agree!
Having said that, I'll sheepishly admit that I will actually be having two different wedding ceremonies (not my decision, but I'm only too happy to oblige) - a chapel wedding here in the US which is intended for his families (May 16, 2009), and a beach wedding in the Philippines for mine (Jan 5, 2010). Both are small - with around 30 guests each -but what's better than having two weddings, right? My parents volunteered (actually, I volunteered them!) to take care of our beach wedding, so that's one less thing to worry about. All I have to do is describe what I want, and say Yes or No to their suggestions. (I love you, Mom and Dad!)
Anyway, the best part of watching Bride Wars was afterwards, when Fiance and I were going home, he kissed me and said, " I thank God everyday, for giving me such a beautiful, sweet and SENSIBLE woman." (",)
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"What is drama but life with dull bits cut out." ~Alfred Hitchcock
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Behind the Curtain
- Claudine
- no-nonsense woman. chemist. fashionista. writer-aspirant. occassional drama queen. fabulous Asian. heart of gold. movie fanatic. shopaholic. hiking enthusiast. watermelon addict. couch potato. dancer wanna-be. bookworm. well-loved wife/daughter/sister. Cavaliers fan.
Together forever...

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haha I totally loves the last line of this! sounds like he is a great man! congrats on the engagement!!! and good luck with the weddings!!
You've definitely got yourself a good one there! Hold him tight and never let him go!
Hey there. Thanks for following.
I just got married and had a very small stress free wedding. I hope yours will be as good as mine ;)
Your fiance sounds very sweet.
*sniff* This is touching to me, as I just got married. I love that you are having two ceremonies so that both families can be part of your special day.
*hoping you'll share some details* I'm a sucker for all things romantical...
My hubby just came and saw it with no complaints as well! He always does great things like that...but I do have to go to his movies too! lol congrats!!!!!!!
wow great idea .. the beach wedding i mean ..
and, well, yeah i agree with the movie in a away .. women go crazy to have a the perfect night and they ignore the fact that maybe a simple, unplanned night .. where everything is quite and friendly can make up a very perfect night .. but honestly, ME myself .. i can't think that way .. i mean i already have some plans for my wedding :) he he .. and i'm not engaged yet
but i think it's not cool to have this matter as the center of all thinking .. give it a big deal .. but not all of your time and effort ..
some people lose each other and their beloved because of that .. !!!!
wish you'll get a very very dreams-like and great wedding ..
and yeah .. thanx for the award :)
Thanks for the following. Congrats on the engagement!!! The hubs and I are coming up on our one year. I must admit I got caught up in wedding planning (LOVED almost every minute) so much that I’m working toward making a career change in that direction. I hope you enjoy every minute of your planning process, wedding and married life. Best wishes.
Congrats and I know that 2009 will be a great year for you. Maybe you can use the blog to tell us about your two different ceremonies.
I think I'm going to be the same thing. I just don't care about any of that stuff either. My mom, on the other hand, does. So ... we'll see how that goes. :-)
Glad to know about the movie. I will skip that one!
HAHAHAAAA! You know it! Nothing sexier than a man who knows he's got himself a great woman!
I will now pass on Bride Wars! Thanks!
Keep. Him.
And keep your low key approach to the ceremony. In the end, all the details of the actual wedding won't matter one little bit.
You're having wedding in the Philippines!!! Yayness!!! I'm Filipina as well. :D
Your post is very touching, thank you so much for sharing this very personal bit with us.
PS I left you something over at my blog once again. You totally deserve this one.
I going to be "forcing" mine to watch Bride Wars with me too; Except, I know he secretly loves chick flicks! He's always the one that gets all dramatic into the movie, with a "(Gasp) I can't believe she did that!" or some sort of girlish comment. But Shhh.... :)
P.S. I left something in my blog for you!
what a catch! you're lucky to have eachother :) a guy who's not afraid to tell a woman how much she means to them.. now why haven't i been able to find one... thanks for showing they do exist.
ps: i'm also filipina and i totally want my wedding in the philippines!! actually, my ex and i had discussed that... thought he was the one =/
Nah. You're totally normal.
I'm having a big shindig for mine, but I still wouldn't at like that. it amazes me to hear all the "bridezilla" horror stories.
My MOH and I have talked about that movie, and we said that if we both were engaged and wanted the same place and day (through whatever ridiculous coincidence), we would just figure it out. I mean, seriously, who fights like that!?
Thanks for the heads-up too. I won't be seeing it now.
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