Thursday, January 8, 2009

What's in a Name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
~ William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Seriously, what's in a name? Particularly last names?

Okay, I love my first name (No, its not really Chloie... close to it, though). It sounds pleasant, easy to pronounce and it's not too common.

My last name? Well... not that much, but it never really bothered me. It sounds perfectly normal and that was enough. When I was young, I've always thought of last names as names that were there just for the sole purpose of identifying whose ancestors and family you belong to. And sure, that's important, (and apparently VERY important to Romeo and Juliet's families), but... who cares how it sounds? Not too many people call me by it (except my terror grade school teacher whenever she catches me in my usual troublemaker self!). And I knew, as a girl, I won't hold on to it that long, since when I get married, I'd change it to that of my husband's.

That is... with a fair amount of hope that my would-be-husband's last name won't sound so bad!

Like a lot of women (come, on admit it!), whenever I'd date a guy and it's starting to become serious, I'd try to see how his last name sounds next to my first one. It's usually out of curiosity and just for the fun of it! Unfortunately, I seem to be cursed with dating men who have terrible-sounding last names, that I started to be concerned! I once dated a guy whose last name was Tootle and as much as I didn't care about family names, his was enough to make me hesitate about getting serious. Chloie Tootle? That just didn't sound right! But he's hot, smart and charming, so I said, what the heck, I can't be that shallow! Eventually though, I did break up with him - not because of his last name, I swear! - but because of other reasons.

And it didn't end there. I dated other guys with lame last names, but... since I wasn't in love, it wasn't really a big deal.

But now, here I am, engaged to the love of my life, who is attractive in every aspect except in the last name department! Well, it's not as bad as Tootle (or maybe it is, depending on who you ask), but... it's the name of a part of the body! Seriously! Where the heck did his ancestors get the idea that body parts are wonderful last names? I can just imagine the teasings that my future kids would most likely go through! Fiance told me himself, his classmates gave him hell when he was in grade school.

But... to show how much he loves me, Fiance is giving me the option of keeping my maiden name, doing the combined hyphenated version or changing to his last name, and is letting me decide what will make me happy. Well, of course, I'm changing to his! Isn't the concept of marriage sharing everything (",)? (Hhmmm... maybe I should ask him to change to mine, but then again, that might be pushing too far!)

Anyway, I wholeheartedly love the guy, so even if he has the worst last name on Earth, I still won't hesitate to marry him!

Besides, like I said earlier, what's in a name... right?

(And to be honest, I really don't care! I actually thought it's kinda funny.)

PS. Can you, guys, guess what his last name is?


Chele said...

I am sorry but first name that came to mind is Dick, it is a very common name but would be horrible to have as a last name. I cant think of anything else that would be a last name Head? Back? Hand?

Sassy Britches said...

This is so hard for me to read because I am not sure I'd want to change my name if I married! It's been my identity for so long, and I even have mastered a cool signature, and everything. I feel horrible when faced with the lovely and logical idea of "sharing everything," but I just can't shake the gutteral desire to hold onto what is, to me, an integral part of myself. I'm so glad that you are at peace with your decision! (And I'm not using reverse psychology or sarcasm; I truly mean it!)

My guess is Legg or Foote.

Melanie S said...

I will guess dick(s) or butt(s) - I know what you mean. I like Italian guys and they always have crazy last names - ie. one of them because with "Sprem" but everyone looked at it and saw "sperm."

My last name is itself hard to pronounce and very uncommon (not a body part). My Grandpa's parents came over to this country, had 8 children, and we are the only ones in this country with my last name. In fact, my little brother is the only one who will be carrying it on.

This, and the fact that in law school our teachers called me "Miss Lastname" has made me much less self-conscious about it.

Whatever it is I'm sure you'll get used to it. Although I think keeping your name is perfectly acceptable.

Jill said...

This is so funny! I thought about this very same thing in my dating career all the time. The last name I took from my husband is not nearly as beautiful sounding on the tongue as my maiden, but I love it just the same because its his name. I like that you went with your hubby's name. :)

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

I'm going to go with Head or Butts...haha I really feel more sorry for the future kids, but hey you love him and it's great of you to be taking his last name. That is what you're suppose to do!

Amarie said...

My husband has an unusal Italian last name, but it doesn't bother me at all :-).

Liv Bambola said...

For some reason the first name I thought of was Nek/Neck...

I have a double surname. I love it. Neither of the names are fancy, both plain boys names. What is hilarious is when people ask for my surname. I have to say "Paul-Frank, it's a double surname." & they STILL look up Frank. =S

Somehow I don't think I'll be adding my name to my husbands... might be pushing my luck.

P.S. My surname isn't actually Paul-Frank. =D

Claudine said...

So far, nobody got it right. It's not as bad as some of you guessed (",) thank God. I swear if his last name's Dick, I'd retain my last name!

Allison M. said...

I'm not changing my name when I'm married. I'm not. My BF knows it.

It's my name, everyone knows me by it and doesn't even use my first name.

So, why change it?

Maki said...

Aww I used to do this every single guy I've dated (that were serious)!!! Mine gets tricky because I'm Japanese and Japanese names are hard to rhyme with American last name...

Now I'm married, I am Japanese wtih Italian last name. Funny, huh?

NYStateBeauty said...

I'm just commenting that if his last name is not Penis, Asshole or Vagina, you should be okay to switch! lol

I'm not sure what's worse than those! ;)

Errant Gosling said...

I'm going to guess Cheek. The problem now is we'll all be curious what it is. :)