Imagine this scenario.
You knew the economy is not doing too well, but you're somehow still hoping to get a pay raise. After all, you had a breakthrough with the research project you're doing and you had a glowing performance review saying you Exceed Expectations. The raise would be helpful with your wedding and trip expences so you're very hopeful about it. But you came to work that day (the first pay day of the year), saw your pay statements and realized it's still the same. Being an optimist, you consoled yourself by saying you should just be thankful, you're luckier than a lot of people, since at least, you still have a good job.
You then decided to start an experiment, but for some reason, the darn lab equipment won't cooperate with you! You tried all kinds of troubleshooting you knew, but still... no luck. You gave up and decided to do something else.
At the end of the day, you're so tired, all you wanted do was go home and relax.
However, since it's the weekend, you wanted to spend time with your fiance. The guy can't drive to your house since you have a cat and he's allergic to it, so you didn't have any option but to drive to his. As you start driving, the snow began to fall heavily. Halfway through, you got stuck in traffic, driving at 5 miles per hour! You began to feel really cranky.... in the first place, you're very tired, and now, you're starving as well! On top of that, you suddenly had a very strong urge to go the bathroom (since you stupidly drank a whole cup of tea an hour earlier)! But since you wanted to get home as soon as possible (the weather was predicted to get even worse as the day goes by), you decided not to stop by at a gas station. After two hours of hellish driving (on a normally 45 minute drive), you're finally at your fiance's house. You're ready to have dinner but he's still at work, so you just rummaged through his refrigerator looking for something... anything... to eat. The darn guy, however, haven't done his grocery shopping yet, and had nothing on hand! So you sat there, watched TV and waited. 30 minutes later, he called to say he's on his way home... but was stuck in traffic! You couldn't wait any longer, so you braved the snowstorm again, and drove to the nearest Subway (which was actually just a block away, thank God!) to buy dinner! On your way home, you saw Blockbuster and decided, you might as well rent a movie! It turned out... the movie was a waste of an hour and a half of your life!
Oh yes, that was my day yesterday!
"Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way." ~ Murphy's Law.
Well, at least, today is a new day!
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"What is drama but life with dull bits cut out." ~Alfred Hitchcock
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Behind the Curtain
- Claudine
- no-nonsense woman. chemist. fashionista. writer-aspirant. occassional drama queen. fabulous Asian. heart of gold. movie fanatic. shopaholic. hiking enthusiast. watermelon addict. couch potato. dancer wanna-be. bookworm. well-loved wife/daughter/sister. Cavaliers fan.
Together forever...

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'I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot! I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in a magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." - Jack London
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I hope your weekend treats you better.
maybe off topic but that's cool that your fiance doesn't live with you. as a former cohabiter, i'm starting to see how this might not be the best way to go.
Poor thing. I've had those days too.
Tomorrow is another and hopefully will be much better. :)
Oh, my dear, do NOT mess with me when I'm hungry! I'm so surprised you could wait that long without poking someone's eyes out! Good vibes for a better weekend!
today will not even be remembered, because tomorrow is always a better day..
cheer up! hugs!!
Guys will have beer and left over dinner that was doggie-bagged a week earlier.. that's it.
Oh, and maybe vodka (in the freezer)
It's a new day.. breathe in, breathe out, smile and live it to the fullest!
Today is a new day indeed... and so is tomorrow... and the days after tomorrow. To a beautiful future!
PS I left you something over at my blog, please do drop by and claim it :D
Why is it that guys never have anything to eat in the fridge?
Hi guys, thanks for all the wonderful comments! I do feel better now... everyday is really a new day.
What an awful day for you! Traffic+hungry+time wasted=miserable for me. Hope you felt better after seeing your sweetie. :)
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