Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Taking Technology Too Far

I have a confession to make... I have a love affair with my GPS! I've got a poor sense of direction and I get lost a lot, and so developed an undying love and devotion towards it.

But even if I hate being lost, it doesn't mean I always love to be found.

I was surfing the net last night when I saw an article in CNN about Google's new technology software. The downloadable application (called Latitude) allows cellphone users to share their whereabouts to friends and relatives, and let people track them anytime.

I don't know about you, but I'm not warming up to this idea at all. Sure, I can see its use for your grade school kids and suspected cheater husbands, but I don't see the point of tracking your friends or families' every single move! As much as I love hanging out with my friends and treasure moments with my fiance, I also love alone time. My 'me' time. Away from people, and enjoying privacy on my own. Now, why would I wanna ruin that by downloading a software on my phone that allows them to find me at times I don't wanna be found? Won't it be as easy to just tell people where I am when they call me? Actually, the beauty of cellular phones is that it gives you an option not to answer when you don't feel like it and don't wanna be disturbed. Why ruin it?

As someone who's in the field of science and technology, I find most technological advances utterly fascinating. There are times, however, when I have to say, this is taking it too far.

Lovely people, what's your take on this?


floreta said...

it sounds very creepy. like a stalking device. i wouldnt even do it for suspected cheating partners.. it's just too much invasion of privacy.

Nuraan said...

oh yeah! count me.. im also a science and technology graduate and thus a freak when it comes to innovations. Me and M use GPS like its going out of fashion :) ah the convenience!

Even my Honours thesis was based on GIS.

SheBloggs said...

I really don't agree with this either. I do have the gps on my phone to help me with directions, but I wouldn't want people knowing where I am all the time. I even get at bad as turning my phone off at home because when I'm home, I'm away..only emergencys know the home number. Some of my friends don't like it, but sometimes I don't want to be availble for whereabouts & useless chatter.

Lisa said...

creepy. very, very creepy. the only way i could see me using this is if i woke up one day, realized i was some kind of crazy bitch and wanted to stalk people....

Bella@That damn expat said...

Yeah, I saw an article about this today.
At first I was creeped out but then I read that you have to approve someone finding you. So I guess it's not bad for those who choose so.

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

I agree with everyone else - CREEPY! I can see how parents of teens would enjoy that though. So that's ok I guess. Sometimes though people should just practice trust!

Alice said...

It is Scary....I love my privacy...I do love my phones (yes I said phones) and I am a tech freek...but no thank you on this

Dugout Daisy said...

this totally scares me, hahaha. It's like the movie Eagle Eye... yeah, that's just scary, hahaha.


Sassy Britches said...

Heck no! Phones are there for MY convenience, no on else's. If I don't answer, it's because I don't want to talk. It's no one's business where I am or what I'm doing.

I think this is only good for things like kids and the cheating spouse; you're spot on with that one.

all i need is love... said...

I wouldn't want this application. It's creepy! Technology is allowing people to get nosier and nosier now!

Maki said...

Oh man, I hate the idea...

GPS kind of makes me confusing more so when I'm driving, so I don't use it.

And this tracking devise tracking down on you? That's a whole differnt story! I am with you - I don't like the idea at all!

Jill said...

I don't get this AT ALL. Who wants to be found? I sure don't. I rarely answer my cell phone, like I'm going to broadcast where I am so friends can find me.

I'm with you, I like alone time. No need to disrupt that. promotion code said...

I also love my GPS. I'm a biology student, so whenever we do surveys or assessments of a certain area, GPS are very useful. But there are GPS that needs to be calibrated, mine needs one. =)