I don't know about you, but I love cuddling. Love, love, love it! It takes all my worries away and it evokes a very secure and happy feeling inside of me.
Actually, I do love any form of touching. To me, the human touch is so amazing! I'm a hugger, a kisser, a hand-holder, a cuddler... get the drift? I just love touching! I find it the best way to express emotions. No words are needed, yet you strongly feel the emotion the other person conveys.
Whenever my Dad kisses me on the forehead, I can feel how much he cared about me and how proud he is of me. When my Mom hugs me in a tight embrace, I can feel how much she had missed me. Whenever my friends give me a hug and let me cry on their shoulders, I feel their whole-hearted support.
I know some people (especially guys) are not too keen on touching, so I feel fortunate to have found a guy who loves to cuddle and touch as much as I do. (Okay, maybe a little less than I do!). I hate to confess this, but we're the couple who would probably make other people sick with all our hugging and kissing, except that we don't normally indulge in public displays of affection (I'm not really used to it). In public, we usually just hold hands, which to me is more than enough, as I think of hand holding as one of the most romantic expressions of love! When we're relaxing at home though, we'd sit next to each other, him - stroking my hair, and me - rubbing his earlobes (he loves it - he said it soothes him). He would also ask me to scratch his back - even when it's not itching! (Weird I know, but, I guess that's what he has to settle for, since I'm not very good at massaging his back, ). Honestly, I love how Fiance seems to be the definition of a Manly Man to the outside world but when it comes to me, he's basically a Big Baby. (I'll get in trouble if he reads this!)
Anyway, to me, there's nothing more amazing than the magic of touch! Wait... is this a manifestation of neediness or just me being a loving person? ;-) Are there anybody else out there who's like me?
I'm a split personality when it comes to this. Sometimes I love it, while other times I'm like get the hell away from me.
Especially while we sleep. My husband has long ago learned not to hover over me because I love my comfort. But I do like cuddling before sleep.
I can't get enough cuddling. I seek it out. It's like a drug.
I am now showing this post to Pokey so he can get over his Manly Man issues and be a Big Baby.
im with bella, I hate it and love it. its weird
interesting. i don't hate it at all!! i'm like you.. love, love, love it!
interesting. i don't hate it at all!! i'm like you.. love, love, love it!
Yes, the magic of touch. I totally relate to you... I'm very touchy feely and I kiss and hug all the time.
It is nice and a kiss on the forehead is the best isn't it?
"I'm a hugger, a kisser, a hand-holder, a cuddler... get the drift? I just love touching! I find it the best way to express emotions. No words are needed, yet you strongly feel the emotion the other person conveys."
you made me yearn longer than i usually do!!! i am achin now!
i love reading about touches !! let a lone touches themselves ..
Sometimes D can just rub his hand down my back and my entire mood will change... I know exactly what you're saying :)
I love it too. Im always cuddling my friends. I'm lucky they're all cuddly too! & a cuddle before bed & when you wake up is fantastic =)
I just can't sleep cuddling... strange.
I'm such a cuddler it isn't funny.. but somehow though I get the guys who doesn't like it as much. My hubs now loves it like when we're sleeping, he's the more aggressive cuddler lol, but in public he's so weirded out. I think cause he was raised so churchy..stuff like that looks bad, but damn we're married! lol
Absolutely!! I am a HUGE cuddler/toucher as well. Babers and I will be watching tv in the den and one of us will say "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" and we'll both run to the bedroom so we can cuddle while watching our shows. I'm one of those people that can cuddle before bed and fall asleep wrapped up. There's an extreme feeling of comfort, security and love attached to touch. Its the best thing EVA! :)
I still get confused over this. I love to be all cuddly and romantic and stuff...but then if its too much good stuff, I start to feel smothered...and I'll start shoving for space (literally!). For me, it's always not enough...or too much. I'm so complicated.
i have always been a touchy feely person. i am very physical where i even use my hands to speak, and i find even with my patients at work, i will usually touch their arm briefly as i speak to them... or pat another nurse on the back... yep, and at home, cuddling is sooooooooo nice, just get your arms and legs all twisted and wrapped up in eachother.... i can fall asleep like that, but then we break apart and roll over. i have always been very huggy-kissy with the kids, and kissing is my fave part of lovemaking. you can get lost in a kiss.... mmmnnnnnn
I definitely love cuddling and touching almost all the time. But of course when sleeping it gets a little complicated. I love the cuddling up until I fall asleep and then I need my space, otherwise I wake up over and over during the night.
Michael is very cuddly, while I'm not so much. I'm learning though haha. I do tell him "I want to get in my spot" before I go to sleep which is between his arm and chest haha.
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