Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Leave of Absence

I have to take a temporary leave of absence from the Bloggers World. This pregnancy is taking a toll on me. I'm nauseated and tired all the time, and I feel as though my brain is being drained of its creativity juices. The teeny, tiny amount of brain function left in me, I have to devote to my job... since I've just been promoted to Chemist III!!! But honestly, even the thrill of being promoted, or the excitement of renewing my vows and visiting Grand Canyon in two weeks had been sucked out of me. I can't wait for the first trimester to be over. I want my energy and my mind back!

Anyway, I'll be back, I promise. So please hang in there. In the meantime, I'm sending my love to all of you!!!


Joshua said...

I don't want to be the bearer of possible bad news, but my wife never got the 2nd Tri energy boost. With either kid. She got sick instead and basically slept away the pregancy. Be prepared, just in case.

Caro said...

Take care of yourself, we'll be there when you come back, but when you do, you better show us some belly pictures ;)

Laura said...

Take care, I'll keep an eye out for when you're back :)

Leona said...

Take good care of yourself, okay? :)

Bathwater said...

Hang in there it gets easier, don't over do it at work.

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

Hey, hey! Congrats!!! I totally missed the great news. Hope you start feeling more like your old self soon! When are you due? I'm due Oct. 2nd...I'm guessing you are somewhere around there as well.

Drew said...

Take it easy, you have alot on your plate!

Americanising Desi said...

you have all my love and prayers momma :D you just take a back seat and relax!

justme said...

thinking of you and sending good energy your way!

Kat said...

Take good care of yourself and that baby! We'll be here when you get back!

Red Shoes said...

Bless your heart... please take care of yourself... and of that little one... we will be here when you return...


Jenn said...

Take care of you and that little jelly bean!! See you soon!

Dana said...

You take all the time you need--that bun needs a warm oven, not a burnt out one!! Congrats on the promotion. I think I felt better (with both kids) on the VERY DAY of my 2nd trimester!! Just sleep every minute you can until then!

C said...

bless you and stay safe on your vacation! and i hope you feel better soon, honey, it SHOULD pass... hang in there and i'll be here whenst upon you return!


Unknown said...

Check out my blog when you return. I sent you an award!

Sarah Ann said...

Aww.. get better! I love your blog! I'm following!!

Helen said...

Hope you feel better, and get lots of rest -- take it easy!

Liv Bambola said...

How you doing, Gorgeous? Have been thinking of you lots. Hope all is going well.

<3 xx