Friday, March 5, 2010

The Power of a Pink Line

Let me tell you something.

Patience is not one of my virtues.

I've been literally trying to hold myself back from spilling the news since the day I found out - for fear that it's all a dream or just a false alarm,- that I sometimes feel like my head's going to explode from all the contained excitement. Well... I decided that before I gross either my neighbors or my co-workers out with scattered brain tissues, I might as well spill the beans!

Drum roll please....

I'm 6 weeks pregnant!!! Yes, you heard it right! P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T, pregnant!!! And the most wonderful thing is, Hubby and I did it without the expensive help of science! Just the tried and tested, old-fashioned baby-making technique!

As some you already knew, we had been trying to conceive since Month Two of our married life. However, after seven months of amazing sex with no luck, we finally went to a doctor who performed ridiculously ASSpensive tests, and told us we have infertility issues and that the only way we'll conceive is through the help of science! This naturally resulted to me crying at every diaper commercials, and becoming painfully aware of how many pregnant Moms there are in every grocery stores or how many crying babies there are in churches during the few occasions that I go.

But whatever. If there's one thing about me, it's that I never give up. Especially if it's something I really wanted. So I wrote a complete and detailed list of all our options... from Plan A to Plan D.

Fortunately, before we even get to the money-draining Plan B, the undoubtedly enjoyable (except for the occasional times when I or Hubs wasn't in the mood and it starts to feel more like work) and natural Plan A worked!

Predictably, I've been on cloud nine since the day that precious pink line showed up in all three of my pregnancy tests. (I just have to be completely sure!) There are times when I still find it so hard to believe. I keep expecting myself to wake up and realize it's all a dream. I've been so used to disappointments, month after month, that my happiness is sometimes still tinged with fear. I know the next couple of months are crucial, as miscarriages are more prevalent on the first trimester, but I have faith. If before I don't believe in miracles, I definitely do now. This is our miracle! God answered our prayers and I can only hope that He continues to do so, and give us a strong, healthy, smart and beautiful baby. Boy or girl... I don't care.


Daydream Believer said...

Oh my gosh!! This is so exciting! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Caro said...

Congrats!!! This is amazing! I hope you get a great pregnancy and a or a few healthy baby(ies)

andre said...

hi, my name is andre nice to meet you

Anam Siddique said...

Congratulations!! :)
I pray you stay healthy and have a healthy baby, Amen!

Drew said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting and I'm so glad you didn't have to go Plan B!

Haley Dawn said...

YAY!!!!! This is so exciting!

~~Mel~~ said...

Congrats!!!! Try not to stress too much about your pregnancy and enjoy it! I remember what it was like to be pregnant and I loved every second of it...I remember it vividly even though my 'baby' is turning 9 years old in just 2 months.

Lauren said...

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

I've been hoping to see this post for SOOOO long!!
Congrats! I'm so happy for you!

Kat said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so glad that I'm following you now through this amazing time in your life. So exciting!!

justme said...

how incredibly exciting! as someone who 1. does not have children and 2. worked in the adoption sector....i know how disheartening those docs can be with those fateful words. so glad that you bucked the system ;)

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! That is the best news I've heard all day! You guys must be so incredibly thrilled!!

Brittany said...

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!

I will keep you and your precious baby in my prayers! Can't wait for more pregnancy posts!

Leona said...

Wishing all the best for you and your baby (and your husband, too.)

Lindsey said...

Congrats on your miracle!

Dana said...

I am so unbelievably HAPPY for you!!! That's GREAT NEWS!!!


I can't wait to hear every pregnancy-filled post!!


Sonya said...

Congratulations! Hooray for no science!

[Rhiannon][Wretchdz] said...

Congratulations. Your child is going to bring you much joy and happiness for the rest of your life.

Good luck with the next 9 months! I can't wait to read your future blog announcing your bundle of joy's entrance into the world!



Liv Bambola said...

AHHHHHH!!!! I literally squealed when I read this!! OHMYFREAKINGGOODNESS CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Oh!! You So So So deserve this my love. I can't wait to read through this process with you. You are amazing.

I hope you enjoy this whole process from the shopping to the cravings to the nesting. The whole thing.

Congratulations Love. I'm smiling from the deepest part of my heart x

Americanising Desi said...

awwwwwwwwwwwww i m so happy for you my sweetie :D

yes yes patience pays off and so does miracle :D

and for people like us who begin to lose faith, people like you come along and light the right spark!

God Willing you will have more than just one :D

I am soooooooo happy for you both!

Claudine said...

My dear friends, thank you so much for sharing my happiness!!! It means so much to me.

Laura said...

Wow that's sooo awesome congratulations! :)

SE x

SheBloggs said...

Yes, Congrats!! I'm happy for you, baby making ang pregnacy is such a wonderful thing! Keep praying, be thankful...and stay outta hot tubs.. (while pregnant).

There's by two pennies for ya.

<3 <3 <3 <3

C said...

chloie, my dear sweet friend, i am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! you know i know how sad you were just a few months ago... this is such wonderful news.

as always, its in god's timing, not ours.

that lil baby will be so lucky to have you guys for parents!

it all goes by soo fast, enjoy every moment, honey!


JennAventures said...

Congrats! So happy for you!

Scribbles said...

Congrats! I'm a bit of a long-time lurker but infertility is something that is near my heart. I have PCOS and I worry that when it comes time for SB and I to have babies, that it won't happen. I'm so glad that God has answered your prayers and I will keep you in mine for the next six weeks also.

The Less Than Domestic Goddess said...

Congratulations!! What an amazing story. Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Erin said...

I am so happy for you! Congratulations! interestingly, I just wrote about the experience we're having with the opposite result, but I'm so glad there's great hope!

Heidi said...


London Girl said...

Congratulations! Brilliant news <3

GUAMtastic said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! So excited for you!!!

Bridget said...

Like usual, I am a day late and a dollar short but OMG CONGRATULATIONS! :)

Kristin said...


Mrs. Carioca said...


Jenn said...

Holy Heck batman!! Where have I been!?!?!


Why didn't you send me an email or something'! Damn me all to heck for being away!

I'm soooo excited for you!! YAY!!!!