Exactly a year ago today, I woke up with all the excitement of a woman about to marry the love of her life.
Never mind that it was a preliminary courthouse wedding and it was just the two of us, it was the day we'd vow to spend our lives together and love each other forever. I was a quivering mass of happiness and enthusiasm.
That is... until we had thirty minutes to spare before the wedding, and my vain husband-to-be was still putting gel in his hair! I finished taking a shower, putting on my wedding dress, and doing my hair and make-up all in the span of 40 minutes, while he had been in the bathroom for almost an hour doing God knows what, and still wasn't finished!
Naturally, I began to feel antsy, and started to nag him to hurry up. Although the courthouse was only fifteen minutes away from our place, I wanted to get there a few minutes ahead of time. Having been raised by an uber-punctual dad who drags us to parties and events an hour before the specified time (much to our and the host's consternation), I have learned to be always a few minutes early. You know, in case of unforseen situations! My husband-to-be on the other hand, except for our first few dates when he was still trying to lure me in, and for baseball games where we have club seats with all-you-can-eat-buffet, had rarely been ahead or on time.
Apparently, even for his own wedding.
After 10 minutes of my nagging and prodding, he finally came out of the bathroom looking... admittedly, oh-so-gorgeous, it was almost worth the wait (almost, being the operative word)! But given the current state of mood I was in, I'd be damned if I admit it loudly, so naturally, I kept my mouth shut. We got to the courthouse 15 minutes later, but just as I have dreaded... an unforseen situation! There was no available parking space close by! We had to park half a mile away and walk back to the courthouse. Mind you, it was almost time for the ceremony, the temperature was close to freezing, I was wearing a short, white dress paired with a 2-inch high heeled sandals... and now he tells me I have to walk??!! With every "Relax, we're gonna be fine" that the guy utters, I only get increasingly madder.
We got to the courthouse five minutes late, but to another wedding still ongoing. This naturally, resulted to him giving a victorious smile that basically says I told you so.The usherette came to us and told us what a good-looking couple we were, which predictably, resulted to yet another victorious smile from him.
When it was time for our wedding vows, all my irritation disappeared, replaced by an overflowing love for the man I was marrying. Sure, he's a guy who spends a ridiculous amount of time perfecting every strand of his hair, obsesses in getting every cabinet in the house perfectly organized, drags me to far too many family reunions than I care for, but he's also a man who lovingly takes care of me when I'm sick, who spends several hours trying to find my perfect birthday gift, and who calls me every single day to tell me how much he loves me.
Sometimes, I still can't believe it's been a year, and I'm still very much in love and happy. It's definitely not easy, with all the challenges we had to go through, but I wouldn't wanna change anything given the chance. I love this man with all my heart and there's nobody in this world I'd rather be with than him.
Happy anniversary, Honey!!! Looking forward to our second wedding ceremony in two weeks (where... more importantly, I'd finally get to wear my wedding dress)!
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"What is drama but life with dull bits cut out." ~Alfred Hitchcock
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Behind the Curtain
- Claudine
- no-nonsense woman. chemist. fashionista. writer-aspirant. occassional drama queen. fabulous Asian. heart of gold. movie fanatic. shopaholic. hiking enthusiast. watermelon addict. couch potato. dancer wanna-be. bookworm. well-loved wife/daughter/sister. Cavaliers fan.
Together forever...

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This is so sweet! Happy one year to you! My husband always says that I give him the schedule, and he makes it work. I always think we're going to be late, and like you, I cannot stand to be even a few minutes late, and because of his "skills" we always get there at least 2 minutes before we have to. Drives me insane.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Happy Anniversary! Love is SO exciting..<3
Haha! Happy anniversary! :D
Happy Anniversary!
May you two see many many more in best of your health, Amen!
P.S: Parts of your post leave me with smile :) May Allah always bless you.
oh .. how sweet ! wish a life full of happiness n love :)
So sweet. Happy anniversary :)
SE x
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!
and i wish you and your hubby a life time of merriment and togetherness - may there be the blessings of Almighty upon you two forever!
Happy Anniversary! I am a very punctual person so I could totally relate to your stress...glad you made it to the courthouse and everything worked out in the end.
Now that is a sweet post that is good to hear!
Happy Anniversary!
So happy for you :-)
Awww. Happy Anniversary to you guys and cheers to many more wonderful years together.
Congrats on your anniversary; can't wait to see pics from wedding # 2 :)
Happy, happy anniversary. and many more....
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