Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Q and A

Hope everybody had a great thanksgiving celebration! I know I did! My husband and I hosted our first thanksgiving/housewarming party at our new house. We all had a blast! Everything turned out according to plans. Well, almost everything, except ... can you believe this? I accidentally left the gizzard bag on the baked turkey ;-). Surprisingly, the turkey still turned out good! Silly me! Just goes to show how good of a cook I am! Good thing my Mom was around and was such a big help!

Anyway, last week, I posted the question... What are the things you used to believe in when you were a kid, but realized later weren't true?

And here are the reader's answers...

Bambola from Bambola's Diary:
That my dad knew & could fix everything. I'm in my 20's now and still think that sometimes. It's an "oh yeah" moment when he has to say he doesn't know. :)It's not a bad realisation though, it's a human, grounding one.

Jamie from His n Her Towels:
My husband believed that the World Series, was actually called the 'World Serious' - because it was a really serious baseball game.

This is bad, but as a child I believed that if a man and women were "making love" on tv or a movie, that they were actually, physically doing the deed. I think it is safe to say that I was confused about sex most of my childhood.

Just me:
i think the most powerful one is the fact that you cannot change anything and that in reality, no one can change you. you may make decisions that are not so good, that you can later joke, "oh, it was because of THEM that i did this." but in reality....it's ALL YOU!!!

C from Midwestern Mama with a New York Heart:
1. what i thought nursing was about sure as hell isnt reality.
2. that my marriage, if i ever got married, would last forever.
3. that catholiscism was the ONLY true religion.

anonymous reader:
1. i would married by age 24-25, and i'm very sure about it, but when i'm at end of 25, i realized i'm still not ready...
2. used to believe life is very simply...but it's not actually..


Americanising Desi said...

shux i missed the Q session :(

if you'd ask me i'd agree with the last answer!

brochure printing said...

I did not know this question. If you did ask me and I did agree with the last answer!