Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Total Blog Make-over

I'm doing a complete make-over and changing the title and tone of this blog.

These past couple of months, intead of being the inspirational blogger that I used to be, I've succumbed to being the poor, pathetic whiner that I can be sometimes.

Enough already.

I can't promise to be jolly all the time, but from now on, I'll try my very best to be the happy, carefree, fabulous person that I know I am. Trust me, I am. It's just buried beneath a drama queen persona with a flare for histrionics and a tendency to have sporadic depression attacks.

So from now on, no more mushiness or sentimental stories. I would try my very best to entertain you only with fabulous tales of my extraordinary life.

Until of course, I experience another meltdown.


Americanising Desi said...


can i offer a hug?

OmegaRadium said...

Blogger buddies (aka readers) will be here good times or bad. :)

C said...

awwwwwwwwww, its ok.... all sides of you together are what make YOU chloie.
youre beautiful just the way you are.

merry christmas you guys...


Anonymous said...

merry chrismas...sory late =(

Anonymous said...

all your sentimental story are not too bad actually...i do understand how you feel

Jill said...

I'm quite excited about this new change of yours. We all have to admit that the occasional whine is good for everyone, especially us readers. It lets us know that you are just as human as we are and confirms that everyone has a bad day here and there.