Yes, 30! The age most twenty-something women dread! The age that, when most women reach, they start lying about.
Not this gal, though! I can, in all honesty, say I don't dread turning 30 or 40 or beyond that, at all. It's a natural process of life! We grow old, but with age, comes wisdom and maturity (at least for most people!). I'm not looking forward to getting wrinkles in a few decades (who does?), but I welcome wisdom and maturity with open arms.
I've been through a lot in my more-than-a-quarter-of-a-century existence in this world. Believe me, my life hadn't been easy, but I wouldn't change anything. I am what I am now because of all the things I've been through. I've learned to be grateful for everything in my life. I've learned to cope with every situation thrown my way. I've learned to deal with hardships, and to get up when I fall. And all these, I have learned with age and time.
Anyway, I wanna share the 30 lessons I have learned about life in my 29 and a half years of existence in this world (I'll share those I've learned from dating and about men in a later post (",) ). Here goes...
1. Families are the greatest treasures in this world. Cherish them.
2. Be grateful for everything you have. If you have food on the table and a roof for a shelter, then you're more fortunate than millions of people in this world.
3. You can't rely on raffle or lotto tickets. Work hard to get what you want.
4. For kids: Study hard. You'll be thankful in the future that you did.
5. Time heals all wounds... regardless of how you feel right now.
6. Hating someone is a waste of time and energy. Who do you think ends up feeling more miserable?
7. It's never too early to save up for retirement.
8. There's no sense in beating yourself up for past mistakes. Mistakes should be lessons learned.
9. There's no such thing as an easy journey. Every road has a crack or a stone that might trip you. Just get up when you fall, and keep going.
10. Dream big. They're free, anyway.
11. The worst question to ask yourself in the future is 'What if...?'. Make sure while you can, that you won't have to eventually.
12. Love yourself. How do you expect others to when you don't?
13. The grass is not always greener on the other side.
14. Who cares what other people think? What they think is their own business.
15. Whatever you're going through... that, too shall pass.
16. Cultivate all aspects of your personality and make sure you bring out the best in you.
17. It's okay to cry.
18. Hold on to true friends. They're hard to find.
19. Experience is the best teacher.
20. Don't blame other people for your mistakes. Man up to admit when you're wrong!
21. Be proud of everything you are.
22. Always remember what Roosevelt said, "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
23. Keep your promises. Nothing hurts more than broken promises.
24. Be gentle with rejection. How would you feel if it's done harshly to you?
25. Try to always look good. You'll be amazed at how good it can make you feel inside, especially when you're feeling down.
26. Don't take ANYTHING personally.
27. Step out of your comfort zone from time to time.
28. BALANCE is the key to living life. Balance your time between your family, career and social life, but prioritize your family when you need to choose.
29. Believe in karma.
30. Live life to the fullest!
30. Live life to the fullest!
Good advice! I'll be back to read more soon!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
great advice,
as we grow our lists of appreciation and how to live life just grows bigger.
Nice list.
thanx for sharing that with us .. I felt every point in ur list and it's very reasonable and wise .. i believe if u learned all of these lessons then ur a very optimistic, open to life, intelligent person :)
about age fears .. i dunno but lately i'm getting freaked out .. i don't wanna be 25 or near .. is it too early ?? there are some lessons in life that i have not learned yet .. but life has plenty i guess .. God help us to make it through and to get the best of what we have ..
Legal Mist, Chele and Dr Zibbs - thanks!
Errant - I've learned all those lessons, but trust me, I'm still learning. It's not always that easy to apply what you learned and to make sure you don't commit the same mistakes over and over again!I know most people are scared of getting old, but just try to always look at the bright side of life. And, 25 is definitely too young to worry about getting old! ;-)
#9 is so true- No such thing as an easy journey... Well they are all so true and inspirational. Its a really great list!
I totally agree with all your lessons!!!!!!
And I hope you have a wonderful year in 2009 - turning 30 was great although I was kind of depressed right before turning 35.
And, I am sure you can't wait for your big day!!!
You are far wiser than your 30 young years... don't fear any of them. Life always brings more happiness 'round the corner no matter what the age.
I love the list! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Cool list of advice ;)
I especially liked no. 11 :D
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