Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Week in Review

Honestly, I feel a little out of sort this week, especially last Monday. It must be my hormones... but I was really moody and stressed out. Things perked up as the week progressed and by the weekend, I was in a good mood. Anyway, here's a recap of my week...

* Called IRS for the third time to check on the status of our first-time homebuyer's tax credit (since I mailed it last April 27). The first time I called them, they said it takes 6 to 8 weeks to process the refund. So I called them again on the 8th week, and they told me it can take 8 to 12 weeks. This week -the 12th week-, I called yet again, and guess what they said? It can take 12 to 16 weeks!!! WTH???

* Work, work, work. Started a new project researching for biocides that I can formulate with our products to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. Exciting work, but all these chemicals that I deal with scares me a bit since we're planning to have a baby. I guess I just gotta be extra careful.

* Went to a Hamburger Festival (yes, there's such a thing ;-) ) with Hubs. Good food and good music. Basically, I was happy it was the weekend.

* Discovered a canoe livery 20 minutes away from home, and spent 2 hours canoeing. It was fun, except for the part where we got stuck for 3 minutes trying to get out of the shallow part of the river. I enjoyed the whole thing though!

Now I'm all ready for the week ahead. Hope everybody enjoyed their weekend!


Americanising Desi said...

mine was pathetic, though it rained but all rains typically just leave more scars :) i m yet to make my rains memorable.