Sunday, March 29, 2009

Say Hello...

... to a married woman!

Yes, I did get married at the courthouse on St. Patrick's Day. The ceremony was short... it was over in 15 minutes! It was just the two of us that day, but we're planning to have a small reception with Husband's family sometime during the summer. Anyway, for our mini-honeymoon, we went to Chicago, and had a wonderful time.

People had been asking me if I felt different after getting married.

Honestly?... I don't feel any different!

I don't know if it's because I don't exactly have my big wedding yet or if there's really no difference. Sometimes, I think movies and fairy tales make too much of weddings and marriages, but in reality it's not as idealistic or as dreamy as it seems. Really... how am I supposed to feel? I knew I already love my husband very much before I married him. I don't know if it's possible to love him any more than I already do. The only difference that I know of and feel now, is that I see him everyday. I wake up every morning beside him and go home to him every night. And I do agree... that is a wondeful feeling! I guess you can say that getting married gives you more stability and a feeling of security. .. The thought that whatever happens, your spouse would be there to love and support you. But the thing is, I've always felt that way with my husband ever since I've known him. Getting married basically, just makes it official.

But I can say that I am absolutely happy. I still need to get used to calling him my husband and being referred to as his wife, but I'm getting there. He's been a great husband so far. Two days ago, he came home early and had dinner ready for me. And yesterday, he went to the grocery store and bought things he knew I would like, as well as gave me a very sweet card!

Well, if this is what married life's like, I definitely can get used to it!


The Hnou Mrs. said...

Wow!! Congratulations!! Are we gonna get pictures??

For Myself said...

So happy that you're happy! That is all around great news. Congrats and very best wishes!

Liv Bambola said...


I wish you all the happiness in the world! =) x

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Woohooo! Congrats!!!! Best wishes to the both of you.

"Love could be set in motion quickly, but true love needs time to grow into something strong and enduring. Love is above all, about commitment, dedication, and a belief that spending your lifetime with your partner will create something greater than the sume of what the two of you could accomplish separately."

C said...

congratulations you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am so happy for you.

love is in the air....
you can feel it everywhere...

god bless your marriage and your whole lives. many happy memories to come.

never go to bed mad.


The Other K Wick said...

Congrats married lady!!!!!

The Other K Wick said...

I wish you guys all the happiness in the world and many blessings!!!

Sassy Britches said...

I am waltzing around the room for you! Yay, marriage, yaaaaay!

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...


Moi said...


Claudine said...

Thanks for all the warm wishes!!!

Jane said...


Anonymous said...

many many best wishes and blessings and prayers!

ahh so finally it has happened :D

all i need is love... said...

Oh my! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!!

The Other K Wick said...

Thanks so much for the baby/mom comment!

ashley said...

it felt the same to me as well... but in a completely good way!! really shouldn't it feel the same? doesn't that mean that things were right to begin with? :-)

Marissa said...


floreta said...

i am truly happy for you. :)
congratulations. enjoy it!!

salwa said...

Yay!!! Congratulations! Even if you don't feel terribly different, I still can't help but view marriage as a commitment on a different level, somehow...or maybe a solidification of an already strong commitment...I'm not sure, but either way I think it's great!

Anonymous said...

best wishes!!!