Acceptance. Theoretically, it seems so easy, but in reality, it's one of the hardest thing to do in life. How do you accept and take the pain when your heart gets broken, the sorrow when a family member dies or the bitter taste of defeat? It's human nature to feel these emotions! Emotions brought about by things we have no control of, things we feel completely powerless about... but things we desperately wish would never happen to us.
I struggled so hard with acceptance when I was a kid. I've always been involved in all sorts of competitions - academic or otherwise. But as with all competitions, it's either you win or you lose. When you win, of course, acceptance is easy! But when you lose, it's a different story. Your mind goes through all the things you did and try to analyze what you did wrong. I was a competitive kid, and it took me a while to stop beating myself up and accept that I won't win all battles. All I can do is be more prepared the next time and do better.
Fast forward to the present. I learned to be more accepting though the course of years. I've learned that not everthing in life goes according to my plans or what I want, and was able to accept the outcome wholeheartedly. The key is just looking at the brighter side and accepting that it's just part of life. And believing there's a reason why it happened that way. I do admit that there are times when I still struggle with acceptance. But I did come to grips and accept facts like...
... I can't sing for the life of me.
... I would only grow to be 5'2 tall, and not an inch taller.
... you might be a popular girl in school but the boy you like might still not like you.
... awkwardness is part of growing up.
... nothing in life comes easy. You have to study and work hard to achieve your dreams.
... you'll come across some b*tchy and mean people once in a while.
... you'll go through a series of heartbreaks before you find Mr. Right.
... there's no such thing as a Perfect Man.
... you can't be perfect either.
... the people you love won't always be around ( so you have to tell them how much you love them while they're still here).
... you won't always have everything you want.
... you can't avoid embarassing situations.
... pain and heartaches make you stronger. No pain, no gain.
I believe that acceptance is a state of mind. It is a choice. A choice that is hard to make but with willpower, is achievable. If not, I guess we can just always pray...
"God, give me the serenity to accept the things I can not change..."
My bloggy friends, what have you learned to accept over the years?
I have learned to accept the mistakes I've made and try to learn from them.
The most important thing I've learned to accept is that I have flaws, but that's what makes me beautiful.
my ex tells me about the serenity prayer all the time.. he maybe doesn't think i have acceptance. but i have learned to accept that we're not getting back together and that's a biig step to moving on.. it's tough. i still feel like i'm not quite there..
I have learned to accept that I do not know everything, and to ask for help and/or admit I'm wrong.
I have NOT yet learned to accept myt S.O. for who and what he is...I need to work a bit harder on that. I see YOU'VE already learned that there is no perfect man and that we ourselves are not perfect. I'm slow here.
i have had to accept that i cannot control anyone else, only myself.
that i AM finally good enough.
that i AM worthy.
that i AM loved.
that i CAN trust.
that i am gay.
that i have to live with the mistakes i have made and try to salvage something positive from them.
i love the serentity prayer. we use it in 12 step meetings. it makes SO much sence.
I've learned that I accept everyone with their "flaws". Somehow, though, I can't seem to accept my own.
I love the serenity prayer. =)
I've learned to accept my mistakes and to accept what I cannot change. =) Accept people I love for who they are, the good the bad and the ugly. =)
That after 2 consecutive hurtful relationships, a broken heart still beats.
that others dont think d way i do!
I think acceptance is something we will work on our whole lives. No one gets through without some pain and suffering... and yet, it's the toughest of all, isn't it?
the fact that not all families are perfect and ideal
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