No matter how well-prepared or well-equipped you think you might be for a married life, the truth is... nobody ever is. You might get all kinds of advices on how to deal with marriage, but until you experienced it yourself, you'll never know.
Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy, happier than I could ever be, and very much in love with my husband. I enjoy the moments we spend together and love the life we're building together.
But the newly-wed life is truly an adjustment period. It's when you really get to know the other person... what makes him tick, his idiosyncrasies, his little habits, etc; and vice versa. You might have an idea about these before, but after you're married, they become magnified because you now live together. If before you can retreat to your apartment whenever you have an argument and get mad, now you gotta face it and deal with it.
I've known my husband a year and a half before we were married. Although we didn't live together before that, we spent most of our free times - especially weekends - together. I've known him quite well... he never hid anything from me, nor I from him. I've known his every habit as well as his idiosyncrasies. But... I'm a moody person. I wish I could change that, but I can't. My moods affect my way of thinking. When I'm in a good mood, he can tease me about a bad hair day and I won't take offense, he can buy yet another new rim for his beloved sports car and I won't get mad, or we can go to an nth reunion with his family and I would willingly go. But, when I'm in a cranky mood intensified by female hormones, it's a different story. I'd have a low threshold of patience and could get irritated with small things. Before, I'd usually just go home to my apartment and let the feelings subside gradually, but now, I have to try to control my emotions and deal with the irrritation really fast.
Fortunately, I do have a husband who's very patient and who's trying to adjust to my mood swings as best as he can. He's learned to leave me alone when I'm cranky and in a bad mood. He is the sweetest guy I've ever known. Granted that he's a cleanliness freak who loves his cars, drags me to far too many family reunions than I care for, and acts like a big baby at times, he however, does household chores, gives me flowers, takes care of me and loves me to death.
Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better man. I know we're still in the adjustment period, but everyday, it gets better and better. I sure won't trade my life with him for anything in this world!
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"What is drama but life with dull bits cut out." ~Alfred Hitchcock
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Behind the Curtain
- Claudine
- no-nonsense woman. chemist. fashionista. writer-aspirant. occassional drama queen. fabulous Asian. heart of gold. movie fanatic. shopaholic. hiking enthusiast. watermelon addict. couch potato. dancer wanna-be. bookworm. well-loved wife/daughter/sister. Cavaliers fan.
Together forever...

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Even though my husband had his own place before we got married, he pretty much was living with me and never "escaped" if I was moody (or vice versa). So, I don't think being a newlywed has changed all that much ... though he farts a lot more openly now. hahaha.
I think you're way ahead of the game if you have the presence of mind to see your own "issues" and how your husband compensates for them. Many people would just wax poetic about the other person's faults and ignore their own. Good head on your shoulders, woman! And the makings of a lasting marriage!
Sounds like you've found a catch!! =) Things will only get easier from here <3 Congratulations again
This is a sweet post. Great perspective
oh how i missed you and how much i m glad to read this because u just popped outta hiding and obviously what a catch [mashaAllah] :)
i will always be praying for the goodness :)
Click here to go to my 13 Essence of Libra.
13 goodness about me.
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