Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Surrendering to Fate

I've always believed that, except in certain aspects of our lives, our journey in this planet Earth is something that we can orchestrate on our own.
I was wrong.

We can plan our life to a T, and put in all our dedication and hardwork, but the truth is... if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. There are things in life that are just out of our control, and no matter how hard we try, we can't force them to happen.

This latest experience of mine had humbled me. It's ironic how I tried to orchestrate my path to motherhood by dumping a guy who can't give me a child, only to fall deeply into the arms of another one who can't. Maybe it's karma or maybe it's God's way of telling me something. I don't know what it is, but I know one thing for sure. I'm done being sad! I can cry my eyes out, moan and curse my fate but the thing is, it won't do me any good. It's something that is totally out of my control. And so, I'm surrendering to whatever God has in store for me. I'm done trying to map out my life. I will never lose hope for my future, but I will live life, one day at a time.

Hhhmmm.... maybe I should change the the title of my blog from Orchestrated Destiny to Surrendering to Fate. What do you think, my dear friends? ;-)


Jamie said...

Good for you! I think life is a mixture of both orchestrated destiny and surrendering to fate. Sometimes you just have to go where life takes you and do with it what you can.

ps. I think that would be Surrendering to Fate would be a GREAT blog title. It has a nice ring to it!!!

Jill said...

So good to hear the pep in your "voice". I think you've got something going with this blog title change. :) Funny how life throws us curve balls and disrupts the things we've believed in for years.

Liv Bambola said...

I'm glad to hear you are dealing with it... When I read the "surrendering to fate" I almost panicked. I tend not to believe in fate, but reading this post I can understand how it's true.

I don't think you're surrendering to fate, I think you're accepting where your life has taken you and you can still Orchestrate your own Destiny, it may just take a little while longer to get where you want to be. Who knows, you could up in the place you never knew you were always meant to be.

I think this *is* your destiny.

B x

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

what a very inspiring post sweetie.=) surrender your life to HIM. There are things that we work so hard for but they really aren't meant to be. But don't worry. Trust in HIM. We will get things not in our time but in HIS time and He always has a plan for each of us. =) Enjoy life one day at a time.

C said...

honey, even WAITING is a verb... meaning you are in process of being prepared for something wonderful... surrendering means you feel you have done everything in your power and the act of surrendering is putting the future in god's hands. he was waiting for you to let him be in charge of all of this. you are WAITING. you are still doing something. and you are being prepared. now you are living on faith... you dont know what the future holds but you do know who holds the future. letting go is NOT giving up. it is simply accepting you have done all that you could. now god can take over and rest assured he will give you more than you even anticipated!

i like your new title..


Unknown said...

love the new title! and this post too =)

and thanks a lot for your congrats on my grad! =D