It’s amazing how songs (and perfumes!) can transport you back in time and vividly remind you of the past as though it just happened yesterday.
I was surfing the net this morning when I came across Eraserheads’ song, ‘With a Smile’. As I listened to this famous 90’s music, my mind began to wander back to the year 1995… the year when E-heads was the craze, their music was considered part of the UP D culture. The year when I was a shy yet determined freshie at Peyups. The year when I was an awkward teenager trying to fit in my new surroundings, but having a blast doing it. When life was simpler, all I worry about was getting good grades. When I was just starting to learn how to be independent and live miles away from my family. When most people I knew were struggling to get a 2.0 (a 'B' in US school system) in Chem 16 and at least a 3.0 (a 'C')at Math 17. When I spend every single school day with my bestfriend CT, attending classes or studying our butts off at the library. When my classmates and I didn’t mind attending laborious Physics classes because most of the instructors were cute. When I spent most of my free time watching movies or going to the mall. When my blockmates and I devour fishballs and isaw as though they’re our staple foods. When CASAA, Beach House (I wonder why it’s called that when it's not by the beach?) or Rodics were the places to be at lunch time. When Sunken Garden was the place to relax at, and people-watch at the end of the day. When DS was still 'crushable' and I get giddy whenever he talks to me. When Tom Cruise was still my idea of a perfect man and the most gorgeous guy to roam planet Earth. When I was dying of curiosity to watch the Oblation Run yet too shy to admit it. When Lantern Parade was the university’s highlight of the whole year.
Aahh, those were the days.... I can’t believe it’s been 13 years since! It seems like it was just yesterday...
Gotta stop reminiscing before I get too nostalgic...
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