Thursday, July 31, 2008

Embarrassing Moments

I was on a work break last week talking on the phone to BA, when one of my co-workers decided to join me outside and smoke a cigarette. She’s this 20-something (early 20’s) cute and fashionable girl, who talks in an oh-my-gosh- you-know-like-whatever- type of teenage/preppy talk that could either be annoying or endearing, depending on the person. In her case, she’s actually a sweetheart, so it’s endearing. BA and I ended our phone conversation and I chatted with Ms. Fashionable for a bit. But as we were chatting, something suddenly fell from the sky and landed on her...

It was bird crap!

As you can imagine, the poor girl was screaming, ‘Oh my gosh! What is that?’ and started jumping all over the place. My initial reaction was to laugh (hey, I don’t mean to be mean but the situation was really, really funny… considering she’s usually all- poised). Nevertheless, seeing her stricken face, I knew the situation was not a laughing matter. So instead, I took her to the restroom and helped her take the nasty stuff off her clothes. And since the work day was almost over, she decided to go home and change clothes!

I was thinking though, thank God it wasn’t me! I couldn’t even finish telling the whole story to BA when I saw him afterwards… as my laughter just won’t stop! Anyway, as with most of embarrassing moments, Ms. Fashionable and I were finally able to laugh about it the following day.

This brought me back to memory lane, reminding me of my own embarrassing moments. I can still recall a few.

There was that time during our so-called army training in high school, when my skirt was blown up by the strong winds, exposing my tiny shorts (thank God I was wearing one!) to the whole platoon I was commanding. (To this day, I haven’t completely forgiven our lieutenant/teacher for calling an on-the-the spot training without giving us time to change clothes!).

Or that time when I got out of the university bus in Toledo and slipped right into the snowy, slippery driveway, as the entire bus passengers bear witness!

However, one embarrassing moment still remains the most unforgettable for me. It was that time back in my college years when unattainable-crushes-who-don’t-know- you- exist- so- you- try- to- impress was the norm. I had one of those crushes. He’s one of the most gorgeous guys my teenage eyes had ever laid upon. I was attending a class next to his so every Monday and Thursday mornings, I’d catch a glimpse of him. One not-so-fine day, I had the misfortune of getting caught in traffic and ended up being late for class. Since my class room was on the third floor, I ran up the stairs as soon as I reached the building … books on my right arm, lunch box on my left hand and a heavy bag on my back! All of a sudden... my foot missed a step, and I completely lost balance! Books, papers, lunches (not to mention, ME!) all flew in the air! I tried to pull myself up and gather my things together. Suddenly a wonderful, oh-so-manly voice spoke to me, trying so hard not to laugh… ‘Are you okay?’ I swear, if I had a lighter skin color, you could see me blush from head to toe! I wished the floor would open up and swallow me… I was just dying of embarrassment! But hey, who better to rescue you than your gorgeous prince charming, right? Besides, I finally got my desire of making an impression… probably not in the positive way I preferred… but who cares?

We started talking from that day on....


Anonymous said...

Hey C, that is so funny! I love your posts...