Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just Asking

Explain to me why oil prices are calculated based on PREDICTIONS of how the market's gonna be or how the economy will fare that day, and not on how much the oil retailers bought the oil barrels, and the actual demand of oil.

Explain to me why CEOs earn millions of dollars, while factory workers earn a measly $7.00 per hour (at least in Ohio), why there's a minimum wage but not a maximum salary to keep people from getting greedy, and why in most countries, the rich keeps getting richer while the poor keeps getting poorer.

Explain to me why racism still exists in this modern world, why people still generalize people when in fact, skin color has nothing to do with someone's personality, and why people still don't believe that all of mankind were created equal.

Explain to me why US goes through a roller coaster of being a country in depression, then a world superpower, then back again to depression (well hopefully, just a recession).

Anyway, I'm just asking (",)